How to Start Affiliate Marketing #Made Easy: Step
By Step Method for Beginners.
If you want to earn money online during full time job or part time job or freelance, affiliate marketing is the best way to raise money fast.
80% of people don’t even know what affiliate marketing is and 90% of those 80% are concerned about how to do affiliate marketing
First of all understand What is Affiliate Marketing and How does it work?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
“Affiliate marketing is a method by which you promote other people’s (or company’s) products.and if someone buys a product from your affiliate link, the company pays you a commission for each product sale”
And the best thing for an affiliate marketer is that neither time is spent nor money to make the product. The company has affiliate programs for you, select the company’s product and promote it on your website, email, social media even podcasts, as soon as you can start making money.
All you have to do is bring more traffic to your website with quality content whether it is through
Organic reach(Search engine optimization)
Pay per click (adwords, Bing, yahoo)
Social media(Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, pinterest, Redit)
You tube
Drive traffic through that product’s link for more conversions to get more commissions.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Works?
Affiliate marketing structure
Wikipedia talks about the 4 major key players in the industry
- Merchant:–Product owner or business that wants to sell a product or service over the internet.
- Network:- Program or network acting as the middleman between the merchant and the affiliate.
- Publisher:-Person or business that helps advertise and promote merchant’s products through a website a blog, email, Pay per clicks ads, social media or podcast.
- Customer:- Any customer who purchase any product through affiliate.
Affiliate marketing depends entirely on revenue sharing
If a company wants to increase sales of its product, it starts affiliate marketing programs and pays commission to affiliate marketers to promote or sell their products.
Traffic + Clicks + Conversion = Revenue
But instead of 4 others, 3 talk about the key players of the industry.
Here are three key players of Affiliate Marketing
What to do Before Becoming an Affiliate Marketer
How to Become an Affiliate Marketer
The 8 most effective ways for beginner affiliate marketers to make their first affiliate marketing sale
First Choose a Niche that Interests you
Research Different Affiliate Programs and Products
Build a Platform
Produce Excellent and Exceptional Content
Start Building an Audience
Promote Affiliate Links
Optimise and Track
Rinse and Repeat the Process
Top 14 Best Affiliate Marketing Forums you should join
Why you should join affiliate marketing forums?
As you are a beginner, affiliate marketing forums are the best for learning affiliate marketing.
Warrior Forum
Blackhat world
Advert CN
The V7 Network
CPA Club